
Journal Papers in Japanese
  1. Tatsuya Maebayashi, Atsushi Yoshida, Yoshinari Hachisu, Han-Myung Chang and Masami Noro, A Symbol Table Construction Method for Un-preprocessed Programs, IPSJ Journal, IPSJ, Vol.54, No.2, pp.912-921, 2013. (in Japanese)
  2. Atsushi Yoshida, Yoshinari Hachisu, Atsushi Sawada, Han-Myung Chang and Masami Noro, "A Source Code Rewriting System based on Attributed Token Sequence", IPSJ Journal, IPSJ, Vol.53, No.7, pp.1832-1849, 2012. (in Japanese)
  3. Atsushi Sawada, Masami Noro, Yoshinari Hachisu, Han-Myung Chang, Atsushi Yoshida, Daisuke Osa and Akihiko Urano, "Design and Evolution of the Software Architecture for Source Code Inspection Tools", Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (ed.), Computer Software, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 4_241-4_261, Iwanami, Nov. 2011. (in Japanese)
  4. Yoshinari Hachisu, Atsushi Yoshida, Masami Noro, Atsushi Sawada and Han-Myung Chang, "A Method Extending CSS Based on States of HTML Elements", The IEICE transactions on information and systems, Vol. J94-D, No. 11, pp. 1931-1934, IEICE, Nov. 2011. (in Japanese)
  5. Atsushi Yoshida, "An Internal Expression of Source Program for Constructing Lightweight Lower CASE Tools", IPSJ Journal, Vol.46, No.9, IPSJ, pp.2326-2336, Sep. 2005. (in Japanese)
  6. Masumi Kawakami, Atsushi Yoshida and Sadahiro Isoda, "Evaluating Modeling Efficiency of a Specific Software Architecture" , Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.31 No.11, pp.1-11, Nov. 2000.
  7. Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Agusa, "A Framework for Dependency Analysis based on Abstract Thread", Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (ed.), Computer Software, Vol.16 No.1, pp.46-56, Jan. 1999. (in Japanese)
  8. Masumi Kawakami, Atsushi Yoshida and Sadahiro Isoda, "Evaluating Modeling Efficiency of a Specific Software Architecture", The IEICE transactions on information and systems, Vol.J82-D-I No.12, pp.1359-1368, IEICE, Dec. 1999. (in Japanese)
  9. Naoki Fukuyasu, Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Agusa, "Consistent Changes of Source Programs based on the Fine Grained Software Repository", Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (ed.), Computer Software, Vol.15 No.4, pp.78-81, Jul. 1998. (in Japanese)
  10. Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Agusa, "Semantic Diff", IPSJ Journal, Vol.38, No.6, pp.1163-1171, IPSJ, Jun. 1997. (in Japanese)
  11. Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Agusa, "A Software Manipulating Language for CASE Tool Development", IPSJ Journal, Vol.36, No.10, pp.2433-2441, IPSJ, Oct. 1995. (in Japanese)
International Conferences
  1. Atsushi Sawada, Masami Noro, Han-Myung Chang, Yoshinari Hachisu, and Atsushi Yoshida, "A Design Map for Recording Precise Architecture Decisions", Proc. the 18th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2011), pp.298-305, IEEE Computer Society, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), Dec. 2011.
  2. Yoshida Atsushi and Fukuyasu Naoki, "A Virtual File System for Source Program Editing", Proc. of 9th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference(APSEC2002), pp.176-183, 2002.
  3. Jun Munemori, Takashi Yoshino and Atsushi Yoshida, "Movable Lecture Support System Using PDAs", Proc. of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics(SMC 2002), pp.294-299, 2002.
  4. A. Yoshida, S. Yamamoto and K. Agusa, "A Software Manipulating Language for MetaCASE", Proc. of The First International Conference on META-CASE, pp.273-283, 1995.
Other papers in Japanese (refereed)
  1. Yoshinari Hachisu, Atsushi Yoshida, Han-Myung Chang and Masami Noro, "Rewriting HTML4 to HTML5 using Contexts", Naoyasu Ubayashi and Yutaka Kamei (ed.), Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering XIX, JSSST, FOSE 2012, pp. 21-26, Kindai Kagaku sha, Dec. 2012. (in Japanese)
  2. Tatsuya Maebayashi, Atsushi Yoshida, Yoshinari Hachisu, Han-Myung Chang and Masami Noro, " A Symbol Table Construction Method for Un-preprocessd Programs", Proc. of Software Engineering Symposium 21012, IPSJ, Vol.2012, pp.1-6, 2012.
  3. Kota Tatemichi, Atsushi Yoshida, Yoshinari Hachisu, Han-Myung Chang and Masami Noro, "A Conversion Method of Program Fragments into a DOM Tree as Syntax Tree", Proc. of Software Engineering Symposium 21012, IPSJ, Vol.2012, pp.1-6, 2012.
  4. Yoshinari Hachisu, Masami Noro, Atsushi Sawada, Han-Myung Chang, and Atsushi Yoshida, "An XQuery Processor Generator Using Compiler Design", Akito Monden and Hidetake Ueno (ed.), Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering VIII, JSSST, FOSE 2011, pp. 21-30, Kindai Kagaku sha, Nov. 2011. (in Japanese)
  5. Hirotoshi Soga, Atsushi Yoshida, Yoshinari Hachisu, Atsushi Sawada, Han-Myung Chang and Masami Noro, "A Macro Reduction Method Supporting Multiple Program Representations", Proc. of Software Engineering Symposium 2011 (SES2011), IPSJ, Vol. 2011, pp. 1-6, IPSJ, Sep. 2011. (in Japanese)
  6. Atsushi Yoshida, Yoshinari Hachisu, Atsushi Sawada, Han-Myung Chang, Masami Noro, "An Implementation of Program Rewriting Support Environment based on Attributed Token Sequence", Proc. of Software Engineering Symposium 2010 (SES2010), IPSJ, pp.119-126, IPSJ, Aug 2010. (in Japanese)
  7. Atsushi Yoshida and Tsuneo Ajisaka, "A Support Tool for Understanding Program Differences based on Fine-grained Behavior", Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering XV, JSSST, FOSE2008, pp.11-20, Kindai Kagaku sha, Nov. 2008. (in Japanese)
  8. Atsushi Yoshida, "An Implementation of Program Pattern Translation Maintaining Representation, Software Engineering Symposium 2006 (SES2006), IPSJ, pp.113-120, IPSJ, Oct. 2006. (in Japanese)
  9. Atsushi Yoshida, "Pattern Transformation Descriptions and Generation tools of them", Proc. of Software Symposium 2006, pp.93-96, 2006. (in Japanese)
  10. Atsushi Yoshida and Hisayoshi Hayashi, "A Support Method of Program Differences using Transformation", Proc. of Software Symposium 2005, pp.99-102, 2005. (Penguin Award) (in Japanese)
  11. Naoki Fukuyasu, Daisuke Hatsumi, Naruki Manda, Atsushi Yoshida and Tsuneo Ajisaka, "An Analysis of Web Applications controlled by JavaScript", Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering XI, JSSST, pp.229-232, Kindai Kagaku sha, Nov. 2004. (in Japanese)
  12. Naoki Fukuyasu, Hiroaki Hiramatsu, Tsuneo Ajisaka, Naruki Manda and Atsushi Yoshida, "An Analysis of the UML Activity Diagram Using a Set of Semantic Elements", Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering IX, JSSST, pp.85-94, Kindai Kagaku sha, Nov. 2002. (in Japanese)
  13. Noriyuki Ozaki, Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Agusa, "A difference identification method based on the program normalization, Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering VII, JSSST, pp.197-204, Kindai Kagaku sha, Nov. 2000. (in Japanese)
  14. Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Agusa, "A Fine-Grained Software Repository for Source Program Modification", Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering V, JSSST, pp.189-198, Kindai Kagaku sha, Nov. 1998. (in Japanese)
  15. Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Agusa, "Extension of Pattern Description and Set Operations to Software Manipulating Language", Proc. of Foundation of Software Engineering II, JSSST, pp.189-194, Kindai Kagaku sha, Dec. 1996. (in Japanese)
  16. Atsushi Yoshida, Shinichirou Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Agusa, "A Software Manipulating Language for Software Reuse", Proc. of Software Symposium '93, pp.84-89, 1993. (in Japanese)
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