Activities in Research and Education

Activities in Academic Societies
  1. Software Engineering Symposium 2012, Organizing Committee Member(Publications), IPSJ, 2012.
  2. Software Engineering Symposium, Program Committee Member, IPSJ, 2006-2010, 2012.
  3. Workshop of Foundation of Software Engineering, Program Committee Member, JSSST, 2003-2012.
  4. IPSJ SIGSE, Steering Committee Member, 2010-2012
  5. IEICE, Referee, (2000-2012)
  6. Software Engineering Symposium 2008, Executive Chairman of Workshop, IPSJ, 2008.
  7. IEICE, Editorial Board Member 2003-2007
  8. Embedded Software Engineering Symposium, Program Committee Member, IPSJ, 2004-2005.
  9. IWPSE04(International Workshop on Principle of Software Evolution), Program Committee Member, 2004.
Research Projects (joined as a member)
  1. "IT Spiral", Leading IT Specialist Training Promotion Program, Ministry of Education, 2006-2008.
  2. "Generation technology of high reliability WebWare", Comprehensive Development of e-Society Foundation Software, Ministry of Education, 2003-2007.
Research Found
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Principal Investigator):
  1. 22500036 Scientific Research(C), "Program Development Support based on Slice and Marge", 2730 kilo yen, 2010-2012.
  2. 16700036 Young Scientists(B), "Editable View of Source Programs", 2000 kilo yen, 2004-2005.
Donations for Research:
  • Design Systems Engineering Center, Mitsubishi Electronic Corp., 300 kilo yen, 2003ǯ.
  • A member of System Assessment Committee of Wakayama City Government, Japan, 2004-2009.
Copyright(C) 2004 - 2012, Yoshida Atsushi, All rights reserved.